The Truth About Roxy.

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UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
Sorry, but now I see this she-male trying to make a buck. This "person" has been agenda driven since day 1. Time to call "it" out. Now you are seeing the truth come out. Get popularity as a female poster, to start your own forum.
She has her blind allegiance of followers at c-Lo's joint. They are always quick to dismiss anything that revelas the truth about "her", because "she" has them in this trance. They are now incapable of thinking for themselves. "OH Roxy, you know I will always love you. Dont listen to the haters of the world." LMAO. Facts are facts. And they are listed below.

Phone calls do nothing. Absolutely nothing. Nada. All this "Yeah, I know Roxygurl, I talk to her on the phone." OR "I know Roxygurl, so and so said he knows her. But Ive never seen her. And for all I know, so and so that told me that he knows her, I've never met him before either so he could be a roxyghost." Or now my personal favorite, "Yeah I heard on radio roxygurl was in attendance."

You're like Big Foot. Nobody has ever seen you.

RoxyDyke, post a few more pictures of you. You're obviously not shy. You obviously have no problem posting pictures of yourself on MySpace. Why can't you dig up a few more? Girls have 1,000's of pictures.

I have a few questions for you, you red hot party animal bi-sexual smoking hot blonde that likes to handicap sports (LOL):

1) You're not shy. Cut the crap. You go to Vegas and have the time of your life. You're bi sexual. You talk about squirting. GSpot orgasms. You make a myspace account, and apparently post pictures of yourself. You apparently party all of the time and have tons of friends. Every girl I know on the face of the earth that shares any of the characteristics mentioned above has AT LEAST 50 pictures of themselves online. Why cant you post 5 or 6 more? You're obviously computer literate. You obviously have pictures. You obviously have the time. You have a myspace account. You're familiar with the interface. You've posted pictures before (LOL). People have apparently already seen you. So the ice has been broken there. What's the hold up?

2) How come you have about 70 friends on myspace, and only about 20 of them are actual real people. (The other 50 are fake celebrity impersonators). Of the 20 real people. Maybe 4 live in San Diego. Everyone else is from another part of the US. For a red hot smoking blonde that squirts, is bisexual, has loads of friends, you dont have many at all. It's pretty easy to do a search on myspace, input "20-40 years old, bisexual, and or lesbian" and then just try to be friends with everyone that pops up and see who bites. Now you have your facade of a friends list - all penpals. Half of them are fake just like you.

3) How come not one single person on your friends list has a picture of you? Just basic girl shit. "Heres a picture with my friend Gina, partying our asses off in Vegas." "Here's a picture of me and Gina at the beach." Nobody has seen you. Nobody has a picture of you. You met everyone online. Why? Cuz you're either a man, or a huge dyke. The kind of dyke that is so ugly, that they are a dyke-by-default, not by choice. You are either really overweight, ugly, and now a liar, or one of those really skinny dykes, with the boy haircut, baggy pants, lesbian pride-type.

You know the truth? Nobody would hate you for that. People dislike you for being a liar, and trying to pull one over on people. Finkle and einhorn. Your gun is digging into my hip.

4) How come nobody on your friends list has ever seen you before?
"You sound like a sweet person." "Have a great day." "You must be as beautiful as you sound." "Thanks for teaching me how to add smiley faces." "Thanks, have a great day." "I hope you had a fun time at ___________(insert location)." "Just stopping by to say hi."

Not normal shit like...

"We need to go to Vegas again, that was a blast."
"Man you squirted all over me last night. Let's have more g-spot orgasms tomorrow." (LOL)
"Me, you, and a mule, again this weekend, at the beach. Be there again or be square."
"Whats up you slutbagger, lets get some drinks tonight and go to Jeremy's house again."

5) Your pictures on your profile are like a CSI episode re-run. One minute they are there, then they are not, then you are exposed, then they come off, then they are back up, then one is left on but another is taken off.

a.The first picture is a picture perfect glamour shot, of some poor lady probably at home with a wife and kids. She dressed up and took a professional photo. And you act like that is you headed out for the night and some regular person took that photo. You must have friends that are professional photographers. And if you take that kind of a picture, you must have more good ones in the stash.

b.Your picture at the beach, which is of a completely different person, was so out of focus, blurry, and so far away, you thought you could put that one on there and get away with it. When I called you out, it came flying off the website.

c.Your other picture is a classic. The one of a playboy playmate looking girl that you passed around the internet saying it was you. Then you got called out, and everyone knew it was a sham. When I was on your friends list, there was a person on your friends list, using that same exact photo as a picture of them. It seems to be the Internet Impersonators picture of choice for when you want to pull one over on somebody. Now that picture is back, and anyone with a half a brain knows that youve now posted 3 pictures of completely different people, all just with blonde hair, and you claimed to be each of them.

The truth is, nobody can vouch for you. Nobody has seen you. Nobody knows you. Just some telephone calls. Everything verbal. Nothing visual. Your myspace page is a bigger sham than that ARod one you have on there.

Apparently, you hate the drama. You hate all of this stuff. You can end it. Post 5 or 6 pictures on there of the same person. It aint hard. But you never do it. EVER. Why? Explain it. Google must be tough on you these days. Cant find any photos of a girl that looks like the one on your myspace. I know, pictures are limited. You cant blow it now. Youve come too far.

People offer to pay for your plane ticket to Vegas? You cant.
People offer to have you over? You cant.
People offer to meet up in Vegas. You cant.
Even you calling people on the phone took awhile, but you realized that they cant see you over the phone, and you might just have the voice to pull it off.

Phone conversations dont cut it. You're mentally sick. You need some help.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
Boxslayer, wouldnt be suprised if the FBI approachs you with a job offer.


" Thanks for tip Bricktop "
Jun 28, 2005
I wouldn't be surprised if comedy Central approaches you with a job offer. This guy's hilarious.

New member
Oct 22, 2005
He hit the nails on the heads, lol, worse part about it is that he/she has her own website and now is going to try to make some cash, maybe he will use some of that cash to get a sex change and become roxynuts
Sep 21, 2004
I offered to meet her, buy her ticket to the Cards-Pads game awhile back when I was living in Vegas. Two minutes after she made her last post, so I know she saw it. But at that point, she no longer habla ingles, and no response. I am with you, this person is a man. Just like we thought last year.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
Boxslayer32 said:
"Man you squirted all over me last night. Let's have more g-spot orgasms tomorrow." (LOL)

Jesus christ that's some of the funniest shit I've ever heard.

And sad thing is, there are thousands more out there like "her." Mentally sick, use fake pics, etc etc etc

Yet none of them will touch my penis. Not low-enough-self-esteem motherfuckers.
Sep 21, 2004
SkinsRaj28 said:
Jesus christ that's some of the funniest shit I've ever heard.

And sad thing is, there are thousands more out there like "her." Mentally sick, use fake pics, etc etc etc

Yet none of them will touch my penis. Not low-enough-self-esteem motherfuckers.
That's hilarious. You better get your brown ass to the bash. If I don't get to hang out with Skinsraj at the bash, then it can't officially be called a bash.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
I'm trying man...dsethi's being a punkass bitch, though.

We gotta get drunk and beat up some strippers this year, for sure.

Sep 20, 2004
Boxslayer you are a very funny guy...i don't know about Roxy but this is some funny material.

Classic quote " You're like Big Foot. Nobody has ever seen you. "

NBA and Miami Heat Guru
Sep 20, 2004
SkinsRaj28 said:
I'm trying man...dsethi's being a punkass bitch, though.

We gotta get drunk and beat up some strippers this year, for sure.

First lap dance is on me for both you and your bro!!!! You better be at the bash you Brown Bitch!!!! :howdy:

NBA and Miami Heat Guru
Sep 20, 2004
By the way, Box, this post was of the best posts I have ever seen!!! Nice work!

You planning on heading to the Bash?
Jan 19, 2006
Even though Skins and I have had some squabbles I still want to
meet that Indian muddaphucker!! Desthi as well!! spreadbeater
where are the lap dances at?

New member
Oct 21, 2004
haha we need to use the Duke players' quote however it went....

"I've decided to have some strippers over. … All are welcome. However, there will be no nudity. I plan on killing the bitches as soon as they walk in and proceeding to cut their skin off." The writer then describes in vile terms that he would find the act sexually satisfying.


NBA and Miami Heat Guru
Sep 20, 2004
gynecologist said:
Even though Skins and I have had some squabbles I still want to
meet that Indian muddaphucker!! Desthi as well!! spreadbeater
where are the lap dances at?

Wherever we decide to go.....I am not too familiar with the strip clubs in Vegas.....but I am pretty sure we will be able to find a couple! :103631605
Jan 19, 2006
You know I was thinking about something, she is so eager to
mention that radio bullshit that proves absolutely nothing. And
so uneager to calling The Shrink and countless others. Also she
is so uneager to post new pics as well. If you think Roxygurl is
telling everyone the truth you are a moron.

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
spreadbeater said:
By the way, Box, this post was of the best posts I have ever seen!!! Nice work!

You planning on heading to the Bash?

Probably not. I just moved into a new place, bought a plasma TV, and pulled a lot of my sports account to pay some of the bills, rent, TV, etc while my business gets off the ground. Just too busy with too many things and not enough money right now. Thats why I havnt been posting much lately. I'm being very selective with my bets because of my cash out. I pulled 8K out of my sports account and I have 1K in there, so my units are about $25 a unit right now. :pucking:

Hopefully next year.
Jan 19, 2006
I am going through a similar situation. Only thing is my units are about
$0 a unit right now. Had some unexpected bills and B.S to pay, also
what to make sure I had a decent bankroll for Football which is
my favorite sport to bet. Well hope to meet you next year bud!!!
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